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Frequently Asked Questions

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all your questions. From setup to advanced customization, this is
your go-to guide for mastering every aspect of our services.

Getting started

Ensure compliance locally and globally, protect against fraud, and achieve savings.

Identity verification platforms like MetaMap are crucial for businesses aiming to understand their customers better, mitigate risks, and make more confident decisions. They are particularly beneficial if your business needs to comply with regulatory requirements or wants to prevent fraud.

MetaMap is a platform that enables businesses to understand their audience more accurately and completely. Please click here to talk to an Expert and learn more about how our platform can help your business.

MetaMap provides global coverage, with the ability to customize and restrict services by specific countries or regions. It offers specialized services in Latin America and Africa.

Absolutely. We offer an immediate FREE Trial so you can see how the platform works. You are granted 300 free verifications and 3 months of access. Please click here to try MetaMap now.

Absolutely. We offer an immediate FREE Trial so you can see how the platform works. You are granted 300 free verifications and 3 months of access. Please click here to try MetaMap now.

The typical outcomes of a MetaMap verification include “verified,” “unverified,” or “requires review.” These results are determined based on the consistency and authenticity of the data checked during the verification process. 

Additionally, MetaMap provides a feature called Automation Rules, which allows you to define specific criteria to automatically approve, reject, or flag customers for further review within your chosen workflows. This feature streamlines your decision-making process, significantly reducing the need for manual intervention by tailoring automation processes to fit your unique business needs, thereby ensuring optimal control over your operations.

MetaMap itself does not reject users; it provides verification results based on which businesses can make informed decisions.

Your business can create multiple workflows tailored to your verification needs, each with customized steps and checks.

MetaMap supports various documents for verification, including passports, driver’s licenses, and other government-issued IDs. Please click here to read a list of supported documents by country. Click the links to learn more about the Document Verification Tool and the Government Verification Tool.

MetaMap utilizes diverse data sources to perform comprehensive verifications, ensuring robust support for KYC and AML compliance and reducing the risk of fraud. Our solution cross-references the information provided by customers against an extensive database that includes data from government institutions worldwide. These sources encompass electoral institutes, population registries, tax agencies, immigration institutes, and criminal records. By integrating such varied and authoritative data sources, MetaMap enhances the accuracy of its verifications and provides businesses with a reliable foundation for making informed decisions.

Product Exploration

Enhance security, balancing robust protection and a seamless user experience.

MetaMap operates by aggregating data from 80+ global sources across 20+ countries to conduct thorough identity verifications, which include biometrics, official documents, and background checks. This data is organized into discrete information units called ‘merits,’ allowing exact verification flows.

Businesses can integrate only the necessary data points, ensuring efficient and tailored verification processes. Businesses can construct these verification flows using a drag-and-drop workflow builder or utilize pre-designed templates for ease of implementation.

MetaMap also offers straightforward integration options for websites and apps through direct links, SDKs, or APIs, enabling seamless and uncomplicated coding integration. This structured yet flexible approach provides businesses with a deeper understanding of their users, facilitating informed business decisions.

The platform offers tools for integral verification workflows that are divided into three main categories.

  • Compliance. These tools help meet local and international compliance requirements. These include merits like proving citizenship, residency address, non-criminal history, tax history, consent, and much more.
  • Government. Tools that aid in performing a comprehensive check on the customer against trustable and reliable government databases.
  • Financial. Tools designed to assist in analyzing the customer’s financial risk. They include merits such as bank balance, income stability, earning potential, consumption patterns, loan repayment history, asset ownership, and more.

Please click here to see the complete Tools Library.

Our most popular verification tools offer fast onboarding, secure authentication and streamlined KYC, AML, and financial risk management. Some of them are:

Please click here to see the complete Tools Library.

Verification templates at MetaMap are predefined workflows designed to guide the verification process efficiently and effortlessly, even if it’s your first time working with workflow templates. These templates can be extensively customized to meet the specific needs of different businesses. 

For more detailed examples and to explore our extensive verification template library, please visit the Template Library.

Yes, MetaMap’s verification workflows are highly customizable to meet the specific requirements of your business. 

Through Automation Rules, you can tailor rules that allow you to approve, reject, or flag customers for further review based on criteria you define, seamlessly integrating into your chosen workflows. This level of customization ensures that the verification system aligns perfectly with your operational goals and compliance needs.

MetaMap performs checks to verify authenticity, such as document validity, tampering or falsification signs, and data consistency against official data sources. Please read more about Document Verification here.

You can test different scenarios, track results, and make educated decisions on onboarding or verifying every customer type and situation. The verification statuses typically include:

  • Postponed. If there is something in the verification process that caused a delay.
  • Running. When the verification is in process.
  • Verified. The verification passed every check you configured on your dashboard (document requirements, biometrics requirements, additional checks, etc…).
  • Rejected. When the information provided by the user does not match the official records, if there are inconsistencies in the documents provided or other mismatches.
  • Review Needed. This occurs when MetaMap flags something unusual with a verification. This may happen for various reasons, such as fake ID, watchlist flag, and failing face match. Since our customers’ business rules and use cases differ, we allow your business to take the final decision of accepting/rejecting the user.

You can establish rules to address common errors and run your verification workflows seamlessly according to your business needs.

Information such as name, date of birth, address, document number, nationality, and expiration date is extracted during the verification process. Please learn more about Document Verification here

Solutions for
your business

Ensure compliance locally and globally, protect against fraud, and achieve savings.

MetaMap offers an integral platform to solve many identity verification needs. The main use cases are:

  • KYC and AML Compliance. Verify users’ identity, reduce fraud, and simplify compliance.
  • Customer Onboarding. Simplify onboarding processes and reduce drop-off rates.
  • Authentication. Grant secure access to your services and facilities.
  • Financial Risk Management. Validate customer’s payment eligibility and reduce financial risks.

MetaMap offers a comprehensive identity verification solution that effortlessly meets requirements on KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) to ensure compliance locally and globally, and protect against fraud.

MetaMap’s KYC and AML solutions are crafted to be cost-effective and automated, ensuring businesses meet legal requirements without unnecessary time and resources. Efficient KYC procedures streamline operations, reduce manual labor, and minimize non-compliance risk.

MetaMap’s user onboarding solution boosts conversion rates and reduces drop-offs, ensuring a superior experience for all customers. Secure onboarding is achieved through thorough checks and verifications of user identities, ensuring that only legitimate users are accepted.

MetaMap’s authentication solutions offer automated workflows to confirm customers’ identities. These solutions prevent fraud, deliver an enhanced user experience, and reinforce trust in your company.

MetaMap’s financial risk management solution offers automated workflows for analyzing customers’ financial profiles. Build verification workflows to mitigate financial risks effectively, implement automated processes, and ensure international compliance.

MetaMap serves various industries, including banking, fintech, telcos, and e-commerce. Please read more about the Solutions by Industry here.

MetaMap provides global coverage, with the ability to customize and restrict services by specific countries or regions. It offers specialized services in Latin America and Africa.

and Branding

Ensure compliance locally and globally, protect against fraud, and achieve savings.

Yes, you can customize the platform’s appearance, including colors and logos, to match your brand identity.

Yes, you can set specific criteria through the Automation Rules feature to determine which verifications require manual review. Gain the power to approve, reject, or flag customers for review based on rules you define, specifically within your chosen workflows.

Our extensibility through API integration allows our endpoints to be used in back-end mechanisms, making the process transparent from merchants’ domains and subdomains.

Integration and Compatibility

Enhance security, balancing robust protection and a seamless user experience.

The easiest integration method can depend on your specific needs, but using MetaMap’s SDK or API generally provides a seamless integration experience. Please read the chart below for more information.

Yes. MetaMap’s webhooks communicate verification events to your server. Verification events hold data on each workflow, and each check performed. By listening to these events, you can optimize your users’ experience in your application. Find more information on webhooks here.

Yes, it can be integrated using direct links or APIs if you prefer not to use an SDK.

  • The direct link is a link to a verification that can be shared with users so that they can go through the verification process. You should use direct links in cases where you do not have a page to embed a Metamap button or use a function call.
  • Use the MetaMap API to integrate your customized verification flows and to customize your users’ verification experience.
  • Use the SDKs to integrate our prebuilt UIs into your existing applications.

Please read the chart below for more information.

Yes, the direct link can be used to reach instant messaging channels. The API can also be used to create a personalized integration via WhatsApp.


Ensure compliance locally and globally, protect against fraud, and achieve savings.

Please write an email to or contact your Customer Success Executive.

Please visit the Documentation Page here.

The support is provided in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Please contact your Account Manager for further assistance.

The Support service is available 24/7, and you should get a response to your request within 30 minutes via email, and 2 minutes via chat. Please contact your Account Manager for further assistance.


Ensure compliance locally and globally, protect against fraud, and achieve savings.

Yes, MetaMap offers a free trial that includes 300 verifications and 3 months of access. This allows you to evaluate its features before making a purchase. Click here to start a FREE Trial.

We offer transparent billing. Maintain spending control with our price tracker. See how much of your contract is used and what remains.

Please contact your Account Manager for further assistance regarding your billing.

Security and Compliance

Ensure compliance locally and globally, protect against fraud, and achieve savings.

Yes, MetaMap employs robust security measures including data encryption and regular audits to ensure the security and integrity of data.

At MetaMap, we are committed to digital trust. Explore our top-tier certifications and stringent security measures designed to safeguard your business and clients’ data.

MetaMap uses multiple security measures, encryption, secure data storage, and regular security audits, to protect data and verify identities. We use AES-256 to encrypt customer data. This includes user selfies, videos, document images, and any verification data.

Yes. All data is encrypted in transit using cipher suites. MetaMap sends data to merchants over HTTPS, and merchants must have a TLS certificate installed.

Resources and Documentation

Ensure compliance locally and globally, protect against fraud, and achieve savings.

Please read our About pages to learn more about our company and our history and mission.

Yes, MetaMap provides comprehensive resources on identity verification, including white papers, blogs, and industry reports. Visit the Resources page for more information.

Explore Customer Stories

Top-tier companies worldwide trust MetaMap. Read more about how they use our solutions to meet their business needs in a wide array of industries.