By Industry
By Use Case
By Region
For Businesses
For Developers

Total customer clarity
in any industry

Experience precise identity verification with our platform, tailored for businesses in any industry. Achieve accurate compliance, reduce fraud, and strengthen customer trust effectively


Optimize operations in any industry and across borders

Retail & E-commerce

_ Improved customer onboarding

_ Transaction fraud prevention

_ Secure authentication

_ Enhanced trust and loyalty

_ Global KYC and AML compliance


_ Secure patient onboarding

_ Compliance with international healthcare regulations

_ Patient data protection

_ Efficient staff verification

_ Improved trust

_ Streamlined student onboarding

_ Secure staff management

_ Faster administrative workflows

_ Regulatory compliance

_ Global KYC and AML compliance


_ Efficient player onboarding

_ Robust identity verification for in-game security

_ KYC and AML compliance for gaming transactions

_ Enhanced gaming experience

_ Secure authentication

_ Structured employee onboarding

_ Global KYC and AML compliance

_ User-centered identity verification

_ Fraud mitigation

_ Improved trust


Our platform is designed to meet your business needs

KYC Compliance

MetaMap’s platform simplifies KYC and AML compliance for businesses across all industries.

Our easy-to-use tools ensure thorough identity checks and AML monitoring, keeping you in line with regulations effortlessly.

Customer onboarding

Our unified platform streamlines customer onboarding across all industries, establishing trust with instant data verification.

Effortlessly onboard users, improve conversion and reduce drop-offs by minimizing friction for a seamless, reliable customer experience.

Secure authentication

Mitigate risks with our efficient identity verification platform while offering customers an improved user experience.

Guarantee full compliance, automate and streamline authentication processes, and reduce manual work to cut down costs in your operations.

Financial risk management

Accurately validate your customer’s payment eligibility to reduce financial risks within your company.

Build verification workflows designed to mitigate financial risks, implement automated processes, and secure international compliance.

Please check our Frequently Asked Questions section for more information


Identity verification insights and stories

Get free access to customer stories, detailed sector guides, and watch discussions that illuminate the telecommunications landscape

Techniques to Mitigate Identity Theft in Your Operations

Discover how to protect your business and reduce the risks of identity fraud in your operations.

5 Questions You Should Ask Your Identity Verification Provider

If you’re running a fintech, bank, or a sharing economy platform, identity verification is vital for your business's growth.

Connect with a specialist
in your industry today.