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For Businesses
For Developers

MetaMap joins Incode to transform identity verification. Learn more.

Gain total
customer clarity

Make more informed decisions using the identity verification platform that customizes to your needs.

Top-tier enterprises across diverse sectors trust
our verification platform

Top-tier enterprises across diverse sector trust MetaMap verification platform


Identity verification that keeps getting smarter

Our platform is designed around the concept of continuous improvement, enabling a cyclical process of analysis and optimization that is key to understanding your customer better, allowing you to optimize your operations in an ever-evolving landscape.  






verified users
in the network



How can we help your business

Everything you need to verify your customers.
In a single platform

How can we help your business

Everything you need to verify your customers.
In a single platform

KYC Compliance
Verify users and comply with KYC and AML regulations
See more >

Customer Onboarding
Increase your conversions with faster onboarding
See more >

Financial Risk Management
Validate customer’s payment eligibility and reduce financial risks
See more >

Grant secure access
to your services
See more >

How our platform works

One platform,
countless resources

HOW TO get smarter about your data

An insightful
dashboard to test,
learn, and grow

Test different scenarios to identify the ideal combination of data for optimal results. Easily monitor the outcomes on the dashboard for each customer segment and use case.

Real-time funnel metrics

Get immediate insights. Track completion status, manual reviews, and final acceptance rates.

Monitor ‘Time to Verify’ per user to pinpoint bottlenecks and enhance workflow efficiency.

Identify common errors and manual reviews for targeted improvement.

Maintain spending control with our price tracker. See how much of your contract is used and what remains.

Why choose MetaMap?

MetaMap KYC accuracy

Higher accuracy

More data sources mean a clearer picture of your customers

MetaMap faster onboarding platform

Faster onboarding

Immediate verification for returning users

Metamap reduce risk

More confidence

Deeper understanding of your customer to reduce risks

MetaMap platform scalability

Ability to scale

More clarity means offering more services to more people

MetaMap helps companies boost efficiency and growth

Turn clarity
into capability

300 verifications   |   3 month access   |   Customer support